Joyful Living Psychotherapy

Couples Counseling

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Couples counseling (or couples therapy) focuses on the relationship between individuals, not on the individuals themselves. Each partner brings their own background to a relationship, and a “chemical reaction” occurs between partners. This reaction forms the relationship. Couples therapy helps couples of all types recognize their strengths and resolve their differences, as long as both partners are open to change. 

Couples therapy can help couples in all types of intimate relationships, regardless of sexual orientation or marriage status.

Couples tend to seek couples therapy to make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening their relationship or going their separate ways. Sometimes, an one or both partners may chose to also work with an individual therapist, which boosts the couples therapy process. The specific treatment plan depends on the couple’s situation.

Couples therapy is often short- to mid-term depending on the challenges and goals addressed and the couple’s commitment to the work. Couples therapy is often provided by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT).


Individuals change over time, life changes over time, so relationships will also naturally change. Accomplishments as well as challenges are likely to happen in any relationship. By looking at the changes in the relationship, individuals learn more about themselves and the other. They then discover how to modulate their behavior in a way that makes the relationship successful. As the couple uses different strategies, the relationship improves and the individuals further their own growth as well. It is a beautiful experience.

Relationship issues addressed in couples therapy may include:

  • Dating and breakups
  • Conflicts
  • Preparing for marriage or cohabitation
  • Strengthening their relationship overall by gaining a better understanding of each other
  • Dealing with infertility
  • Preparing for baby arrival, child rearing or blended families
  • Major life changes, such as empty nest, retirement
  • Sexual difficulties (for more info, refer to Sex Therapy – Sexual Health)
  • Infidelity/ affairs
  • Separation, divorce, grief and loss
  • Friendships
  • Spiritual issues

Couples therapy is not adequate for situations of ongoing domestic violence or severe substance abuse. If violence has escalated to the point that a partner is afraid,  you may want to ontact the police or a local shelter or crisis center for emergency support. If substance abuse is severe, please contact an addiction counselor before you engage in couples therapy.

(Adapted from Mayo Clinic)

Couples therapy can bring greater awareness of the self and of each other. New perspectives about the relationship emerge as well as new ways to enjoy oneself and the other.
Couples therapy can also help you:

  • Clarify your feelings about the relationship and remind you that relationships can be challenging at times and require ongoing nurturing
  • Resolve relationship roadblocks before they become impasses
  • Deepen intimacy and connection